Chevron Springs also known as Aks Springs multipurpose anti vibration springs used in Metro, Freight Wagons, High Speed Passanger Coaches, LRV and Locomatives
Optimal vibration characteristics and suspension specials are optimized by using the angle applied in the chevron spring plates between 90 degrees and 140 degrees, by changing the number of intermediate metals used in the product or by changing the rubber hardness values.
Due to product durability and long service life, they are ideal for use in all rail vehicle applications.

Metal - rubber compound conical wedges used in subway, freight cars, high-speed trains and locomotives are being suspension and damping elements.
Provides flexibility mode in three different directions.
Different designs of conical springs are available what provides very good resistance and suspension properties under heavy loads.

Rubber metal compound bushes, which serve as an interface between the two parts and whose main purpose is to dampen the vibration caused by the interaction of the two parts, can be produced in different designs according to the working conditions at the place of use.
Load and torsion tests of bushing designed with special rubber formulas are presented to the users by taking into consideration the load and vibration at the place of use.

Bellows tires increase the resistance of working parts by providing the impermeability of dust and various chemicals at the place of use.
The bellows tires, which can be produced in different designs and special rubber formulas, depending on the place of use, are simulated in design programs before they go into production.

Elastic couplings are used to eliminate axial misalignments of couplings with transmission elements, to minimize friction-induced wear and to reduce vibration.
Babacan Rubber, which has approximately 30 types of coupling elements in its product range, produces also the elastic couplings used in the railway systems.

Since the foundation year our company has been producing and distributing sealing elements.
Production and sales of brake seals, oil seals, hydraulic cylinder repair kits for rail systems sector.

Our company has been producing vibration wedges since its foundation year.
Load and life tests of vibration wedges designed with special rubber formulas are presented to the users by taking into consideration the load and vibration at the place of use.